> > >
DDK.L8.3A- Robert Tonner - The Tonner listings have moved to this secure web page; click to go to this site with pictures, shopping cart, and secure ordering ecommerce system, as the old list that is no longer kept up-to-date has been removed; this site is kept up-to-date:>http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/tonner.html
Other Robert Tonner Dolls; Betsy McCall; Kripplebush, Marni; Mary Engelbreit, Ann Estelle, Tiny Kitty Collier, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, Marley Wentworth, New York City Ballet, Mimzy, Annie, Models, Art Dolls - Has easy navigation at the left hand column with pages devoted to all Tonner and Effanbee items. Betsy McCall, Mary Engelbreit, Tiny Kitty Collier, and some of the items with more than one brand have separate smaller sections of their own. Doll sales site has moved to http://www.dkkdolls.com/store
To Send Email From This Page, Click Here> mailto:dkkdolls@aol.com
To Return to Home Page, Click Here> home.html
Now complete: http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/ - To Donna's Korner Kollectibles Store Secure Ecommerce Site which is open and has replaced the lists. Use the left hand column to navigate through the site which has shopping cart, numerous photos.
To go to the Tonner section, click here for a section where everything with the Tonner label is gathered together in several pages:> http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/tonner.html
Besides Tonner and Effanbee listings where she is also found, Betsy McCall and Related also has her own section, so that all Betsy lovers can have one place to browse for Tonner, Effanbee, and other Betsy McCall dolls and collectibles, and it is a large section:> http://dkkdolls.com/store/betsymccall.html
Besides Tonner and Effanbee listings where they are also found, Tiny Kitty Collier and Simon Simone and their fashions have their own section for Tonner and Effanbee 10 inch fashion dolls. Go here to view the many offerings of those dolls. Go there:>http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/kittycollier.html
Besides Tonner, Effanbee, Madame Alexander, paper dolls, books, and other locations where they are also found, Ann Estelle and friends Mary Engelbreit have their own sizeable section that draws all items together. Go there:>http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/maryengelbreit.html
Besides Tonner, Marley Wentworth and her outfits have their own section. Go there:>http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/marleywentworth.html
Besides Tonner, Tonner and Other Fashion Dolls and outfits can be found here among others:>http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/fashiondoll.html
Besides Tonner, Tonner and Other Celebrity, Well-Known People, and Media-inspired dolls and outfits can also be found here (Gone with the Wind, Harry Potter, Golden Compass, The Last Mimzy, Nancy Drew, DC Comics, Memoirs of a Geisha, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, and others):>http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/celebritycollectibles.html
Effanbee dolls are available at http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/effanbee.html. To go to Effanbee Dolls, and Accessories, including dolls designed by Robert Tonner from 2003 to present (Patsy Family, Patsyette, Wee Patsy, Annie, Ideal Toni Reproduction, more), and Late 1990s and Earlier Effanbee Dolls, Figurines, Accessories, (Patsy Family, Patsyette, Wee Patsy, Honey, L'il Innocents, Sammie, Internationals, more).
To Return to or go to my doll and collectibles shop at CollectiblesOnline.com/Tias.com with over 1,500 items, photos, and secure shopping cart, ordering, click here>http://www.donnaskorner.com
You can also Order, Send Mail, and Travel Throughout Website from the Bottom of Page
*=recently discontinued dolls; BK=Bend Knee; MIB=Mint in Box; NRFB=never removed from box; *=on sale until 12/31/08 unless a different date is given; l.e.=limited edition; HP= hard plastic or hard vinyl; VG=very good condition (not perfect, slight flaws ); NB=no box; NT=no tag; w/=with, w/o=without; discont'd=discontinued. No. no. after an item means theres 1 only; otherwise go by no. in ( ). This page has many blue underlined words which are links to pictures that will open when clicked. I had to close several pictures that opened automatically because the page was loading too slowly.
All of the Tonner Betsy McCall Dolls and outfits are now listed at this secure shopping cart section of this site from 1996-2007 are complete; will be adding Effanbee Betsy McCall to this>http://dkkdolls.com/store/betsymccall.html
mailto:dkkdolls@aol.com - To email for more information.
home.html - To Home Page; contents; search engine
http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/ - To Donna's Korner Kollectibles Store Secure Ecommerce Site which is open for business and has replaced the lists.
http://dkkdolls.com/store/alldollsforsalepage.html - Browse all dolls at new secure store site; listed by inventory numbers.
http://dkkdolls.com/store/dollclothes.html - Browse all doll clothes at new secure store site, listed by inventory numbers.
http://dkkdolls.com/store/paperdolls.html Browse all paper dolls at new secure store site, listed by inventory numbers.
http://dkkdolls.com/store/bookspublications.html - Books and publications page to replace page
above, though it new, and items are in the process of being added.
http://dkkdolls.com/store/m.alexander.html - To go to Madame Alexander Dolls, Accessories, Paper Dolls
http://dkkdolls.com/store/raggedy.html - To go to Raggedy Ann dolls, figurines, toys, books and other collectibles
http://dkkdolls.com/store/terrilee.html - To go to Terri Lee Dolls and Accessories - Knickerbocker 2000-2004 and vintage dolls when available, or any others
http://dkkdolls.com/store/tonner.html - To go to listing of all Tonner Doll Company Dolls, which is gradually replacing list below. All Betsy McCall, Golden Compass, Harry Potter, and many others are available here.
http://dkkdolls.com/store/betsymccall.html- To go to Betsy McCall Dolls and Accessories page, including all Tonner, Effanbee, and earlier Betsy Dolls
To go to Effanbee Dolls, and Accessories, including dolls designed
by Robert Tonner from 2003 to present (Patsy Family, Patsyette, Wee
Patsy, Annie, Ideal Toni Reproduction,
more), and Late 1990s and
Earlier Effanbee Dolls, Figurines, Accessories, (Patsy Family,
Patsyette, Wee Patsy, Honey, L'il Innocents, Sammie
Internationals, more). This page is being replaced with the following
ecommerce, link, which includes more recent Effanbee dolls: http://www.dkkdolls.com/store/effanbee.html
http://dkkdolls.com/store/voguedollpage.html - Ginny, Just Me, and Other Vogue Dolls and Accessories.
http://dkkdolls.com/store/kish.html - Helen Kish Dolls and Accessories.
Ask Questions About an Item - To Send Email
Links.html - To Go to Links Of Related Sites
Doll Pictures have moved to a separate page to allow this page to load faster. Click here to go there>pictures.html - To go to pictures and photographs of dolls from my collections and shared photographs
http://www.donnaskorner.com - To go to my Collectors Online Shop or return there; most items are there and have pictures.
http://stores.ebay.com/Donnas-Korner-Kollectibles To go to Ebay offerings by Donna's Korner Kollectibles and view Donna's Ebay feedback.
The offerings at Donna's Korner Kollectibles Store at Ebay which are ending soonest are shown here (includes some Robert Tonner items), but there are many more, click to go to either site or one of auctions and use back arrow to return:>
Click to visit Worldnet.com with many discussion boards and ads by and for collectors> http://www.worldcollectorsnet.com/ To visit online boards for dolls, beanies, and many other kinds of collectibles.
easy-to-use, widely exposed classified site with low prices and even
some free ads.
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