Family History,
Photographs, Lynch, Thompson, Hickman, Faulkner
Lynch, Bowden (Also
earlier was Bowdoin,
Baudoin--a French Huguenot name), Hickman, Thompson, Faulkner Family
Information and Photographs
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page is dedicated to photographs and information on the family of my
mother, Gladys Lynch Dondes Armstrong through her parents, Wilfred
Bernard Lynch, Sr. and Annie Elizabeth Bowden Lynch (Bowden was
originally Bowdoin and Baudoin before that). Click the blue
underlined words to view picture. The pictures are this way to avoid
long loading times and crashing machines with limited memory.
Pictures can be uploaded by going to ftp if you are familiar with the
procedure, or you can email Donna to get a picture as an attachment
via email, but do state your relationship and full email address. All
photographs are in jpg format which is compatible with both Apple
Macintoshes and PCs.
Much of the
following information comes from the notes and writings of my mother,
Gladys Buena Lynch Dondes Armstrong with the persons noted supplying
the other information. Since she is not alive to help us, and much of
the older generation has passed away, it is up to younger survivors
to try to sort through all of the material, so corrections are
greatly appreciated. A book that is helpful in gathering much of the
information is History of Jasper County, Georgia,
Compiled and
Sponsored by the Jasper County, Historical Foundation, 1st ed., 1984.
For information and to check into possibly obtaining this book,
contact The Jasper County Historical Foundation, Inc., Monticello, GA
31064. My mother's and other writings in this book are enormously
helpful. With so many descendants of my great-great-great-great
grandfather, William Lynch, Sr., and the large numbers of children
born to his descendants, there's no telling how many folks named
Lynch, Linch, or married into families connected to them are related
to me.
- My great-great-great-great grandfather was William
Lynch, Sr., was a Revolutionary Patriot, who by an Act of the Virginia
Assembly passed 9 Feb., 1827, was excused from paying all taxes as a
useful and upright citizen. The Act reads as follows:
- "Whereas it is represented to the General
Assembly, that William Lynch, senior, of the county of Brunswick, is
the father of thirty-four legitimate children, of whom twenty-seven are
now living; that he has been the husband of four wives, the last of
whom is now young and healthy and gives him every assurance of an
increaseof his numerous progeny; that he was a soldier in the war of
the revolution, and has been through life, an upright and useful
citizen, but that age and the support of his numerous family, have at
length rendered him infirm and poor.
- "1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that
William Lynch of the county of Brunswick, shall be hereafter exempt
from the payment of any public or county tax, whatever; and it shall
not be lawful for any court, or public officer within this Commonweath,
to demand or receive of the said Lynch, any such tax...
- "This act shall commence and be in force from and
after the passing thereof."
- No known picture of William Lynch, Sr. survives.
William's will was made Jan. 1, 1833 and probated in the Aug. term of
1837. In the will he named a wife Eliza; heirs his children: Laxton,
Clark, Jarrat, Grief, Gray, Molly H., Meredith, Edlar, Gilbert, Asbury,
Syrach, Benjamin W., James H., Grandaughter Jancy A., H. Lynch, Lemuel
Lynch, Joseph A., Rachel Lynch, Adin, Sion, Viney Wray, Chancy Lynch,
Aggie B, Whitly, and Nancy C. Wright. Executors were Son, Adin and
grandson, James C. Lynch. Witneses were Hicks Wray, George G. Lynch,
Warren Lynch, and Thintchum Lynch.
- Click to view a photograph taken from a tin-type
of Jarratt Lynch, born June 6, 1781, in Virginia, died June 26, 1864,
in Jasper County, Georgia (this was during the hardships of the Civil
War). He is believed to have traveled to Georgia with several of his
brothers and other family members in the early 1800s. The Lynches and
Linches show up first in Hancock County, Georgia, and then in Greene,
Putnam, Morgan, and Jasper Counties. He married Sarah Thomas May 15,
1807. My mother's notes show that his mother's maiden name have been
Eliza Grief, but this cannot be documented. They were my
great-great-great grandparents and parents of Jarratt Grief Lynch
(called Grief)> JLyn1781.JPG

- Sarah Thomas, Jarratt's wife, was born was born
Sept. 8, 1785 in Virginia and died June 8, 1861 in Jasper County,
Georgia. Jarrett and Sarah lived for a while in Putnam County, but
pruchased land in Jasper County, Georgia, in 1823, and were living in
Jasper County, Georgia, at the time of the 1830 census. Jarratt and
Sarah Thomas had 10 children: (1) Ephraim who became a Justice of the
Peace in Jasper County, Georgia b. March 16, 1808-d. Sept. 16, 1857, m.
Dec. 18, 1834 Elizabeth Ann Post; (2) Mary Lynch b. Sept. 27, 1809
married to a Mr. Hays; (3) Grief Lynch b. June 2, 1811 (see below); (4)
Rinza Lynch b. Aug. 2, 1813-d. July 21, 1885, married Nov. 25, 1832 to
David L. Waller; (5) Fleet Lynch, b. Sept. 18, 1815 (not mentioned in
his father's will in 1863); (6) Zaccheus b. Feb. 6, 1817 (also not
mentioned in his father's will); (7) Sackville b. July 19, 1819,
married April 23, 1840 in Henry County, Ga. to Nancy M. Oxford; (8)
Melvina Lynch b. Jan. 31, 1822, m. Mar. 21, 1840 in Henry County,
Georgia, to Aaron M. Oxford; (9) Nancy Lynch b. June 26, 1826, m. Aug.
17, 1843 in Jasper County, Georgia, to Plesant M.Compton; and (10)
Martha Lynch b. Mary 8, 1828, married Dec. 23, 1851 to Adam T. Bickers.
Jarratt Lynch's will was made Feb. 2, 1863, and in it he named a second
wife, Frances A. Brandon, as Sarah Thomas Lynch had died on June 8,
1861. He married Frances at the end of his life on Dec. 28, 1862 in
Jasper County, Georgia.
- Below is a photograph of of Jarratt Grief Lynch
(called Grief)--my great-great grandfather, born June 2, 1811 and died
December 26, 1890, and he is buried at the old Lynch Homeplace on Clay
Road. Grief was the 3rd child and 2nd son of Jarratt and Sarah (Thomas)
Lynch. Grief married Sarah Ann Thompson (nicknamed Money) in Jasper
County, Georgia, on August 13, 1868. They were my great-great
grandparents, and the parents of my great-grandfather, William Henry
Lynch (born Nov. 29, 1869). Their 3 other sons were Seaborn Grief Lynch
b. Jan. 19, 1873; Dixon Fleetwood Lynch b. Aug. 21, 1876; and Edwin
Clifford Lynch b. May 14, 1880.> GLyn1811.JPG

- Click to view picture of William Balum Thompson
(born Sept. 22, 1792 and died Feb. 13, 1874) He is my great-great-great
grandfather. His father was Patrick Thompson of who came to America
with his young wife (name unknown) both of Scotch-Irish ancestry with
two of his brothers shortly after the American Revolution from Ireland.
Patrick went first to South Carolina and then to Columbia County,
Georgia, where he settled. He was killed fighting Indians in Virginia.
William Balum fought in the War of 1812. He married first Vienna
Martin, and had 5 children by her: (1) Alexander Thompson lost in the
1849 War of Mexico City; (2) Joseph B. Thompson (1820-1892) who moved
to Kosciusko, Miss; (3) William Floyd Thompson m.Sarah
Elizabeth Jones in 1839; (4) John Henry who died in 1865 in the Civil
War; and (5) Sarah A. D. Thompson who married Zachariah Faulkner in
Greene Co., Ga. and moved to Jasper County, Ga. William Balum's 2nd
wife was Sarah Elizabeth Huff. He was the father of Sarah Ann Thompson
who married Grief Lynch, who is pictured above. He was also the
grandfather of Sarah A. D. Thompson who married Zachariah Faulkner, so
there is a double relationship.
- Here is William Balum Thompson>WmBlThom.jpg
- Thank you for
this picture from my aunt and uncle, Joyce and Larry Elliott for
sending it and supplying the information and to my cousin Darryl
Elliott for scanning it.
- Click to view picture of my Great-Great-Great
Grandmother, Sarah Elizabeth Huff Thompson, the second wife of William
Balaam Thompson. She was born Feb. 3, 1805, and she died Jan. 13, 1890.
She was the mother of Sarah Ann "Money" (1839-1930) who married Grief
Lynch--Besides Sarah Ann; their children were: Frances Elizabeth b.
1830; Edwin b. 1832; Henry Boles, b. 1833 and moved to Kosciusko, Miss;
Artimacy Cato b. 1835; Georgia Washington (1836-1905) moved to
Kosciusko, Miss; James Travis (1838-1850); Jesse Kimbro (1841-1857);
Mickens Huff (1844-1920 moved to Kosciusko, Miss; Seaborn Lawrence
(1846-1933); and Hamlin Thompson (1848-1926). William Balum and Sarah
Huff Thompson lived near Smith's Mill on the Ocmulgee River. He was a
farmer and woodworker until his death in 1876.They were members of the
Concord Primitive Baptist Church and are buried in its church cemetary.
Here is Sarah Elizabeth Huff's picture.> SEHThomp.jpg
- Thank you for
this picture from my aunt and uncle, Joyce and Larry Elliott for
sending it and supplying the information and to my cousin Darryl
Elliott for scanning it. I am checking into some wedding dates before
posting them. See Florence Augusta Ellis, History of Jasper
County, Georgia, compiled by Jasper County Historical
Foundation, 1984, pp. 301-304 for information on Thompson family.
- Click to view picture of Sarah A. D. Thompson, my
great-great grandmother. She was born approximately 1841 in Green
County, Georgia, and she died after 1888 in Jasper County, Georgia. She
was a daughter of William Balaam Thompson and his first wife, Vienna
Martin. She married Zachariah Faulkner. They moved to Jasper County,
Georgia, where their children were born: (1) Elizabeth "Lola" Lou; (2)
Melissa Ann (1870-1956) m. William Henry Lynch--my great grandparents;
(3) Martha "Mattie Lou" (1871-1964)--never married--the great aunt whom
my mother loved and visited when I was a girl; (4) Mamie who died
young; (5) Hinson Thompson (1888-1929); (6) Martha Elizabeth Faulkner;
(7) James Alexander; and (8) Almedia Thompson who married Mr. Davis.
g *Thank you for this
picture from my aunt and uncle, Joyce and Larry Elliott for sending it
and supplying the information and to my cousin Darryl Elliott for
scanning it.
- Click to view picture of the Lynch Boys or
Children of William Henry Lynch and Sarah Ann Thompson. The Lynch boys
are in the front left to right Roy HowardLynch, hisbrother Frank
Clifford Lynch (born Jan. 2, 1901), and Wilfred Bernard Lynch, Sr. (my
grandfather). Behind them is their young uncle, Hinston Thompson
Faulkner (brother of their mother, Lissie> LyncBoys.JPG

- Click to view photograh taken in 1896 of the young
family of my great-great grandparents,Cynthia Hickman Bowden standing
and her husband, my great-great grandfather, Robert "Bob" Thomas Bowden
who is holding their baby daughter (my grandmother), Annie Elizabeth
Bowden. The little boy tanding in front of Cynthia is her little
brother, Fred Hickman> RTBowFam.JPG
- Click to view photograph of children of Robert
Thomas Bowden and Cynthia Hickman Bowden: Annie Elizabeth Bowden in top
right corner (later to marry Wilfred Bernard Lynch, Sr., of Monticello,
GA), her younger sister Maggie Thomas Bowden (Tommie), and in the front
Mamie Ollie Inez, and Harold Perry Bowden, younger children from a
photo taken approximately 1903.>BowdenCh.JPG

- Click to view photograph of family of William
Henry Lynch and Melissa Ann Faulkner in front of their Jasper County,
Georgia, home approximately 1910. From left to right are Wilfred
Bernard Lynch, Sr., my grandfather on the bicycle, his younger brother
Franklin Clifford Lynch (Frank), father William Henry Lynch (Willie),
son Roy Howard Lynch (Howard), mother Melissa Ann Faulkner Lynch
(Lissie), and little James Coile Lynch (Coil) on the tricycle--he was
born July 23, 1906> LynchFam.JPG

- Click to view a photograph of my Grandfather's
younger brother, Roy Howard Lynch in his World War I uniform. He was
born March, 1896, and he died August 17, 1927. He never married. He is
buried beside his parents, Willie and Lissie Lynch, at the old Concord
Baptist Church Cemetary, Jasper County, Georgia. Note the old car in
the background> RHLynWWI.JPG
- Click to view photograph of Annie Elizabeth Bowden
when she was approximately 20 years old in approximately 1916 or
1917> AEBLynch.JPG

- Click to view photograph taken in 1916 or 1917
from left to right of an unindentified man, Annie Elizabeth Bowden,
Wilfred Bernard Lynch, Maggie Thomas Bowden (Annie's younger sister
known at Tommie to my mother), and Charles Edwin Rooks (who would
become Tommie's husband). This picture is assumed to have been taken on
the wedding day of either Annie or Tommie who are both posing with the
men they would marry> LyncRook.JPG
- Click to view photograph of William Robert Lynch,
"Billy" born, November 1, 1919, and Nannette Grace Lynch, born
September 6, 1918 (married Allen W. Hitchcock, Sr., and called Grace),
the two oldest children of Wilfred Bernard Lynch, Sr., and Annie
Elizabeth Bowden Lynch, taken in the mid 1920s> BGrLynch.JPG

- Click to view photograph of the 6 younger children
of Wilfred Bernard Lynch, Sr., and Annie Elizabeth Bowden, taken in the
Summer of 1937 when they were dressed up for Sunday School at the
Monticello Methodist Church in Monticello, Georgia. They are left to
right in back, Helen Elizabeth, Bernard, Jr. (Bo), Gladys Buena, Jewell
Pittard, and on the front row, Betty Ann (called Ann), and Rebecca
Joyce (called Joyce)> LynchCh6.JPG

- Click to view photograph of my mother, Gladys
Lynch, and her cousin, Harriet Bowden, in 1937 or 1938 as they have a
good time practicing the jitterbug when Harriet was visiting. My mother
told me that was what they were doing. Harriet was the younger sister
(or half-sister) of Annie Bowden Lynch, and she was only a little bit
older than my mother, Gladys> GLynHBow.JPG

- Click to view photograph of Wilfred Bernard Lynch,
Sr., and his wife, Annie Elizabeth Bowden Lynch, in their work clothes
in 1937 in the yard of their Monticello, Ga. home> ABLync37.JPG
- Click to view a photograph of Wilfred Bernard
Lynch, Sr., and Annie Elizabeth Bowden Lynch in Spring, 1937 in
Monticello, Ga. This picture is closer and more detailed than the above
one> ABLyn37S.JPG

- Click to view photograph of the family of Wilfred
Bernard Lynch, Sr., and Annie Bowden Lynch on Oct. 10, 1943. It was a
happy time. The family are left to right in the rear: William Robert
Lynch, Jr. (safely home on leave from the Navy on the far left--he
survived the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941), Helen
Elizabeth Lynch (to marry Clem Self), Gladys Buena Lynch Dondes, Annie
Bowden Lynch, Jewell Pittard Lynch (to marry Milton Mason), and Wilfred
Bernard Lynch, Jr. (Bo). In front are Betty Ann Lynch (to marry Thomas
C. Nipper) , Rebecca Joyce Lynch (to marry Larry Elliot), and Wilfred
Bernard Lynch, Sr. The only child missing is Grace Lynch who had
married Allen Wilson Hitchcock on Jan. 13, 1940> Lynch43.JPG

- Click to view photograph of Melissa Ann Faulkner
("Lissie") in her later years. She was the mother of Wilfred Bernard
Lynch, Sr., and she was born July 22, 1870 and died August 30, 1956
(she is my great grandmother)> MLyn1870.JPG
- Click to view photograph of William Henry Lynch in
his later years. He was the father of Wilfred Bernard Lynch, Sr., and
huband of Melissa Ann Faulkner (pictured above). He was born Nov. 29,
1869, and he died Aug. 11, 1955> WHLynch.JPG
- The following contribution is from Rebecca Joyce
Lynch Elliott, the youngest daughter of Wilfred Bernard Lynch, Sr., and
Annie Bowden Lynch. This information was added on Dec. 20, 1998, when
it is up-to-date. - <<I am the youngest daughter of
Wilfred Bernard Lynch and Annie Elizabeth Bowden Lynch. Also the sister
of Gladys Buena Lynch Dondes Armstrong. I was born on Oct. 17, 1934 in
Monticello, Ga. On July 1, 1956 I married William Lawrence (Larry)
Elliott who was born Jan. 9, 1933 in Almon, Newtown County, Ga. He is
the son of Bryan (Buck) Elliott and Susie Ruth Ray Elliott. Larry and I
live in Conyers, Ga. We have three children:
1) Lori Elizabeth Elliott Pattillo was born in the
old St. Joseph's Hospital in Atlanta on Aug. 9, 1958. On April 16, 1977
she married Terrell (Terry) Evans Pattillo. They are divorced. Lori
Lives in Cartersville, Ga. and is employed by IBM as a customer service
coordinator. She and Terry have 2 children:
2) Darryl Lawrence Elliott, our second child, was
also born in the old St. Joseph's Hospital in Atlanta, Ga. on Oct. 31,
1961. On Nov. 22, 1984 he married Kathryn (Kit) Tara O'Connor, who was
born on Sept. 23, 1962 in Memphis, Tenn. Kit is the daughter of John
(Jack) Charles O'Connor and Patricia Diane White O'Connor. Darryl is a
science fiction illustrator and he and Kit are house parents to eight
boys in the Christian City Complex in Union City, Ga. They presently
have 3 children of their own and another one is expected in early 1999.
Their children are:
- a) Tegan Lyndsey Elliott, born Feb. 20, 1988.
b) Tara Quinea Elliott, born Sept. 13, 1991.
c) Maxwell (Max) Sterling Elliott, born on March
22, 1994.
3) Mitchell (Mitch) Vincent Elliott was born on
June 24, 1967 in the old Rockdale County Hospital in Conyers, Ga. On
June 6, 1992 he married Mathea Margaret Payne, born on Nov. 2, 1970 in
Kinsgport, Tenn. Mathea is the daughter of Kylene Jenkins Sharpe and
James (Jim) T. Sharpe, III. Mitch is employed as an inside sales
engineer with Hill Phoenix, a manufacturer of refrigeration systems and
display merchandising. Mathea is employed by Lithonia Lighting as a
Human Resources Assistant. They make their home in Conyers, Ga.
Rebecca Joyce Lynch Elliott>> 
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Go to Dondes Glass Page with Pictures of family of Israel Lipp Dondes
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to visit Lynch, Bowden, Faulkner, Hickman, Thompson Family Photos and
(These will be separated if they get too many)
Go to the Lynch Dondes Page with Pictures from the marriage of Gladys
Lynch and Aaron Dondes until his death in 1952, through her years as
a young widow with her children, until her second marriage to
Crawford Birlen Armstrong on September 2,
to Go to the Lynch Armstrong Dondes Page with Pictures from the
marriage of Gladys Lynch and her second husband Crawford Birlen
Armstrong and children up to the present.
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