Family History, Photographs, Lynch, Dondes
Gladys Lynch, Daughter
of Wilfred Bernard
Lynch, Sr., and Annie Elizabeth Bowden Lynch - Aug. 10, 1924-Dec. 26,
1997 -- pictures from marriage to her first husband Aaron Dondes up
to her second marriage.
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This page
is dedicated to photographs and information on the immediate family
of my mother, Gladys Lynch Dondes after she married first husband,
Aaron Dondes born August 18, 1924-died October 16, 1952. The pictures
are mostly blue clickable links to avoid long loading times and
crashing machines with limited memory. Pictures can be uploaded by
going to ftp if you are familiar with the procedure, or you can email
Donna to get a picture as an attachment via email, but do state your
relationship and full email address. I can only email one email
attachment at a time to avoid problems. All photographs are in jpg
format which is compatible with both Apple Macintoshes and
- Here is a picture of my father, Aaron Dondes, in
his Army Air Corp. Uniform in 1943, when he was 19 years old, as he was
when he and my mother were married> AaDond43.JPG

- Here is Georgia Driver's License of Aaron Dondes.
After World War II, Georgia gave lifelong licenses to veterans such as
my father. Both the front and back are shown> AaDondDL.JPG
- Here are my parents, Aaron Dondes and Gladys Lynch
Dondes, after their marriage in 1943 before he went to China in the
Army Air Corp. Click to view picture> AGDond43.JPG
- Here is a picture of my mother taken in 1942 or
1943 that my father carried in his billfold with him when he was
overseas. It was also in his billfold at the time he died of leukemia
in October, 1952. Click to view picture> GLynch43.JPG
- Here is a picture of my mother, Gladys Lynch
Dondes, and her mother-in-law, Sadie Glass Dondes taken approximately
1946. Click to view pictures--Thank you to my cousin, Michael Dondes
for providing the following pictures> GSDondes.JPG
Here is another picture of Gladys with a bicycle> GLDondBi.JPG
- Here I am as a baby about 3-4 months old. I am
Donna Rebecca Dondes, the oldest daughter of this marriage, and I was
born at Emory University Hospital in Decalb County, Georgia (near
Atlanta) on February 17, 1947. We lived in Burlington, Vermont during
the summer, 1947, and then we moved back to Georgia, and lived in
Warner Robins, Georgia, so my father could work at Robins Air Force
Base. Click to view picture> DonnaD47.JPG
- Here I am at the age of 15-16 months in 1948. I am
wearing a playsuit that was so commonly worn by babies in those days.
Mother gave me the playsuit in this picture, and I still have it. We
lived in Warner Robins, Georgia, at this time. Click to view
picture> DonnaD48.JPG
- Here is a picture of me on the far right in
Spring, 1950, at the age of 3, and my younger brother, David Alan
Dondes (born May 26, 1949) with our father's parents--our grandparents
who were visiting. They are Sadie Glass Dondes, and he is Israel Lipp
Dondes, who lived in Burlington, Vermont, at that time, and also had a
home in Tampa, Florida> DDSIDo50.JPG
- Here is a picture of my brother, David and me
(Donna) taken approximately 1951 in the side yard of our home in Macon,
Georgia. My hair is still long and curly in this picture.> DDDondes.JPG

- Here is a picture of my father, Aaron with David
and me, approximately 1951 at our home in Macon, Georgia. Click to view
picture> ADDDonde.JPG
- Here is a picture of my father, Aaron Dondes,
approximately 1950 or 1951. Click to view picture> AaDond50.JPG
- Here is a picture of my brother, David, and me in
1952 shortly before the death of our father, Aaron Dondes. My long hair
is gone the victim of my episode with the scissors after my doll's hair
did not cut so nicely. Mine did. I am 5 here, and David is 3. Click to
view picture> DDDond52.JPG
to Go to the Following:
to Go to the Following:
Return to the Family History Home Page and Table of Contents at
Go to Dondes Glass Page with Pictures of family of Israel Lipp Dondes
and Sadie Glass Dondes and their children and
to visit Lynch, Bowden, Faulkner, Hickman, Thompson Family Photos and
(These will be separated if they get too many)
Go to the Lynch Dondes Page with Pictures from the marriage of Gladys
Lynch and Aaron Dondes until his death in 1952, through her years as
a young widow with her children, until her second marriage to
Crawford Birlen Armstrong on September 2,
to Go to the Lynch Armstrong Dondes Page with Pictures from the
marriage of Gladys Lynch and her second husband Crawford Birlen
Armstrong and children up to the present.
send email to Donna Dondes Krug to request email photo attachments,
to add information, or family news, to send your email address so it
can be listed on home page.
go to Donna's Korner Kollectibles Doll and Collectibles Sales and
Doll Pictures Site at
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