Our Mailing Address: 2689
N. Galley Street, Orange, CA 92865 USA (sorry we cannot display dolls here)
Our Telephone No, if we
are not here, leave a message.: 1-714-974-3779
Email Address for doll and collectible-related sales information, or if
site is not working properly only: webmaster@dkkdolls.com,
dkkdolls@aol.com, or dkkdolls@gmail.com.
Click to Return to Our
Shop's Home Page: http://www.dkkdolls.com/store 
Click to Return to Our
Site's Entry Page:
Click to Return to Our
Home Page in the CollectiblesOnline section of Tias: http://www.donnaskorner.com
Click to visit Our Family History Section: http://www.dkkdolls.com/family/home.html
Click to return to our
Ebay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/Donnas-Korner-Kollectibles
Our shop's physical
walk-in address (we've been here since 1993) is below.- Sorry, we can
no longer purchase dolls or collectibles. Only sales through the shop's
employees of items located in the shop is available at that shop;
please contact
us through the information at the bottom of each web page at
http://www.dkkdolls.com/store or at the above phone no. to make special
requests and allow 2-3
days in good weather for us to go through the packed storage facility
& take purchases there. They will hold items for 24 hours only:
Orange Circle Antique
Mall, Space 92 Downstairs near snack machines 118 S. Glassell Street Orange, CA 92866 Hrs. Sun 11 am-6 pm; Mon 10 am-5 pm; Tues-Sat. 10 am-6 pm - Please contact us at the phone no. above. Sorry,
we are no longer able to buy dolls and collectibles from public walk
ins, as owner is older and does not have the funds, space, or personnel
to handle it. |