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DDK.L8.3A- Effanbee Dolls Page including dolls and accessories designed by Robert Tonner including Patsy, Patysette, Wee Patsy, Annie, Toni Reproductions, Other Earlier Effanbee Dolls including L'il Innocents, Sammie, Patsy, Patsyette, Wee Patsy, Honey, Art Dolls, some earlier dolls
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*=recently discontinued dolls; BK=Bend Knee; MIB=Mint in Box; NRFB=never removed from box; *=on sale until 12/31/08 unless a different date is given; l.e.=limited edition; HP= hard plastic or hard vinyl; VG=very good condition (not perfect, slight flaws ); NB=no box; NT=no tag; w/=with, w/o=without; discont'd=discontinued. No. no. after an item means theres 1 only; otherwise go by no. in ( ). This page has many blue underlined words which are links to pictures that will open when clicked. I had to close several pictures that opened automatically because the page was loading too slowly.
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http://dkkdolls.com/store/m.alexander.html - To go to Madame Alexander Dolls, Accessories, Paper Dolls
http://dkkdolls.com/store/betsymccall.html - To go to all Tonner, Effanbee, and earlier Betsy McCall dolls, friends, and accessories.
http://dkkdolls.com/store/voguedollpage.html - Ginny, Just Me, and Other Vogue Dolls and Accessories.
http://dkkdolls.com/store/kish.html - Helen Kish Dolls and Accessories.
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Doll Pictures have moved to a separate page to allow this page to load faster. Click here to go there>pictures.html - To go to pictures and photographs of dolls from my collections and shared photographs
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http://stores.ebay.com/Donnas-Korner-Kollectibles To go to Ebay offerings by Donna's Korner Kollectibles and view Donna's Ebay feedback. Use back key to return here.
The offerings at Donna's Korner Kollectbles Store at Ebay which are ending soonest are shown here, but there are many more including some Effanbee items, click to go to either site or one of auctions and use back arrow to return:>
Click to visit Worldnet.com with many discussion boards and ads by and for collectors> http://www.worldcollectorsnet.com/ To visit online boards for dolls, beanies, and many other kinds of collectibles.
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